Beautiful Sea
Beautiful Sea

Watercolour on paper

28” x 20”

Insanely Complicated, Hopelessly Inadequate
Insanely Complicated, Hopelessly Inadequate

Watercolour and ballpoint pen on paper

28” x 20”

The pleasure of ubiquitous distractions
The pleasure of ubiquitous distractions

Watercolour and ink on paper

27.5” x 19.5”

This is not a Board Game
This is not a Board Game

Watercolour on paper

24.5” x 19”

After the Reign
After the Reign

28” x 21”

Watercolour & pen on paper

Failure by Trial and Error
Failure by Trial and Error

watercolour on paper

21” x 28”

Liars and Storytellers
Liars and Storytellers

watercolour on paper

28.5” x 20.5”

The Children's Carnival
The Children's Carnival

Watercolour and ballpoint pen

26” x 21”

The Rediscovery of Power
The Rediscovery of Power

Watercolour & ink on paper

28” x 21”

The Minimalist's room
The Minimalist's room

Watercolour and Ink

20” x 28”

Following the tracks of animals
Following the tracks of animals

Watercolour & Ink on paper

14” x 10”

Fragile Relationships
Fragile Relationships

watercolour, ballpoint pen on paper

21” x 15”

Primary Concerns
Primary Concerns

Watercolour, ballpoint pen and ink on paper

17” x13”

Breathing Lessons
Breathing Lessons

Watercolour & pen on paper

21” x 28”

Water Meadow Under Construction
Water Meadow Under Construction

Watercolour & ink on paper


20” x26”

Waiting for Safe Passage
Waiting for Safe Passage

Watercolour on paper


28” x 23”

Looking for Sirius #2
Looking for Sirius #2

Watercolour & ink on paper


28” x 22”


Watercolour on paper


14.5” x 10”

This does not bode well
This does not bode well

Watercolour & ink on paper


13” x 19”

Water Meadow Construction
Water Meadow Construction

Watercolour & acrylic on paper

13.5” x 11”


Watercolour & ink on paper

28” x 21”

Construction Box #2
Construction Box #2

Watercolour on paper

14” x 10”

Beautiful Sea
Insanely Complicated, Hopelessly Inadequate
The pleasure of ubiquitous distractions
This is not a Board Game
After the Reign
Failure by Trial and Error
Liars and Storytellers
The Children's Carnival
The Rediscovery of Power
The Minimalist's room
Following the tracks of animals
Fragile Relationships
Primary Concerns
Breathing Lessons
Water Meadow Under Construction
Waiting for Safe Passage
Looking for Sirius #2
This does not bode well
Water Meadow Construction
Construction Box #2
Beautiful Sea

Watercolour on paper

28” x 20”

Insanely Complicated, Hopelessly Inadequate

Watercolour and ballpoint pen on paper

28” x 20”

The pleasure of ubiquitous distractions

Watercolour and ink on paper

27.5” x 19.5”

This is not a Board Game

Watercolour on paper

24.5” x 19”

After the Reign

28” x 21”

Watercolour & pen on paper

Failure by Trial and Error

watercolour on paper

21” x 28”

Liars and Storytellers

watercolour on paper

28.5” x 20.5”

The Children's Carnival

Watercolour and ballpoint pen

26” x 21”

The Rediscovery of Power

Watercolour & ink on paper

28” x 21”

The Minimalist's room

Watercolour and Ink

20” x 28”

Following the tracks of animals

Watercolour & Ink on paper

14” x 10”

Fragile Relationships

watercolour, ballpoint pen on paper

21” x 15”

Primary Concerns

Watercolour, ballpoint pen and ink on paper

17” x13”

Breathing Lessons

Watercolour & pen on paper

21” x 28”

Water Meadow Under Construction

Watercolour & ink on paper


20” x26”

Waiting for Safe Passage

Watercolour on paper


28” x 23”

Looking for Sirius #2

Watercolour & ink on paper


28” x 22”


Watercolour on paper


14.5” x 10”

This does not bode well

Watercolour & ink on paper


13” x 19”

Water Meadow Construction

Watercolour & acrylic on paper

13.5” x 11”


Watercolour & ink on paper

28” x 21”

Construction Box #2

Watercolour on paper

14” x 10”

show thumbnails